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  • 02:00, 25 February 20250202502250137 (hist | edit) ‎[1,859 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Presentation for the World Health Organization's Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement in Evidence-Informed Decision-Making in the Health Sector 'Introduction to planning, doing, reporting and evaluating involvement using Standardised Data on Initiatives' |type_parameter=education/learning |description_parameter=This is a report about a presentation given to the World Health Organization's Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement in Evidence-Inform...")
  • 20:58, 22 February 20250202502222026 (hist | edit) ‎[2,962 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Sweaty and Stressed |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Renters' experiences of indoor heat in their homes were assessed by recruiting 80 'Renter Researchers' from across Australia. Participants installed temperature-tracking devices in their bedrooms, which recorded temperature at regular intervals, generating a detailed dataset of temperature fluctuations in rental properties. In addition to these quantitative measurements, qualitative data we...")
  • 09:08, 30 January 20250202501300619 (hist | edit) ‎[3,369 bytes]TBre23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities |type_parameter=education/learning |description_parameter=Guidelines for conducting ethical research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. Provides a set of principles to ensure research is safe, respectable, responsible, high-quality, and of benefit to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. Designed to inform t...")
  • 07:33, 12 December 20240202412120556 (hist | edit) ‎[2,417 bytes]Jold24 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Galaxy Zoo |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Initially to gain assistance in describing galaxies as either spiral or not. Designed to decrease telescope time wasted on non-galaxies. Claims to be one of the best-known online citizen science projects, and with one of the largest number of publications resulting from the project |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|To gain assistance classifying millions of galaxies and confirm they are spirals, to u...")
  • 05:42, 12 December 20240202412120446 (hist | edit) ‎[5,106 bytes]Jold24 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Mozzie Monitors |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=Mozzie Monitors aims to increase public awareness and conduct mosquito surveillance in Australia, particularly in urban areas |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Increase public awareness}}{{aim parameter|Conduct mosquito survelliance}} |keyword_parameter={{keyword parameter|mosquito}}{{keyword parameter|insect}}{{keyword parameter|monitoring}}{{keyword parameter|education}} |state_para...")
  • 04:19, 11 December 20240202412110147 (hist | edit) ‎[5,027 bytes]TBre23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Autism CRC: Participatory and Inclusive Autism Research Practice Guides |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Autistic people are best served by research in which they are recognised as experts by experience, with inclusive and participatory practices being requisite for developing practical and tangible outputs. This report acts to provide an updated guide on research practices regarding the autistic community to replace the previous iterations o...")
  • 04:37, 27 November 20240202411270359 (hist | edit) ‎[8,804 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Open science monitoring initiative (OSMI) |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=The Open science monitoring initiative (OSMI) brings together institutions and individuals involved in monitoring open science. OSMI aims to encourage the adoption of open science monitoring principles and to promote their practical implementation. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|encourage the adoption of open science monitoring principles and to promote their practical...")
  • 00:54, 26 November 20240202411260030 (hist | edit) ‎[365 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Dementia Learning and Research Community |type_parameter=other |description_parameter=The Dementia Learning and Research Community is a virtual learning platform that aims to unite people with an interest or expertise in dementia in an inclusive community where they can share knowledge, experiences and insights that enhance understanding, care practices and research in Australia |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|unite people with an interest or expertise in de...")
  • 00:34, 26 November 20240202411252115 (hist | edit) ‎[4,587 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Liverpool Dementia and Ageing Research Forum |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=The Forum was set up in 2019 with the aim to (a) connect different stakeholders in dementia and ageing and co-produce research and to (b) inform and educate. The Liverpool Dementia and Ageing Research Forum was set up in September 2019 with two underpinning aims: (1) to educate and inform about the latest dementia research and services to anyone with a profession...")
  • 12:34, 22 November 20240202411221152 (hist | edit) ‎[1,066 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=WikiCon Australia 2024 |type_parameter=other |description_parameter=Wikicon 2024 is the annual Australian conference for Australian Wikimedians and others. The conference theme is "Power of community, diverse voices" with a First Nations Focus. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|bring together participants from around Australia to strengthen collaboration}}{{aim parameter|Support people to learn new skills}}{{aim parameter|help people better understand ways...")
  • 01:01, 21 November 20240202411210012 (hist | edit) ‎[4,628 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Public “Campfires and Science” and 'Science for All' events from 2017-2021 |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=“Campfires and Science” started in early 2017 with a focus on citizen science in biodiversity Between June 2018 and October 2021, the charity Science for All organised twelve free events including eight free “Campfires and Science” family friendly events in Victoria, including events in critically-endangered Leadbeater’s P...")
  • 01:38, 13 November 20240202411122257 (hist | edit) ‎[5,870 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=PrEventing Progression of AF in Indigenous People (The Pepp Study) |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=The Preventing Progression of atrial fibrillation (AF) in Indigenous People (PePP) study accelerates and scales community based research in early detection and effective management of AF in Indigenous people in Australia. Indigenous people are more likely to have AF and at a younger age. The PePP study extends this work to preventing progressio...")
  • 06:10, 11 November 20240202411110603 (hist | edit) ‎[2,647 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Medical Services Advisory Committee - Evaluation Sub-Committee |type_parameter=health technology assessment |description_parameter=e |state_parameter=ongoing |start_date_parameter=1998-01-02 |location_parameter=Australia |location_link=No }}")
  • 05:06, 11 November 20240202411110446 (hist | edit) ‎[2,622 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Cochrane Consumer Network Executive |type_parameter=other |description_parameter=The Consumer Network Executive was set up in 1995 to provide governance and leadership for the 2,000 and growing, international community of consumers (patients, carers and public) who work to help produce and spread Cochrane evidence. Members of the Consumer Executive are drawn from the Cochrane Consumer Network. The Cochrane Consumer Engagement Manager is part of the Cochran...")
  • 05:49, 7 November 20240202411070533 (hist | edit) ‎[2,693 bytes]JennLavers (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP) |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Collect data on the distribution and abundance of microplastics, including resin pellets (nurdles)in Australia, focusing on the involvement of citizen scientists. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Identify 'hot spots' where the abundance of microplastics (<5 mm) is high and may be able to be linked to point sources}}{{aim parameter|Generate data on the broader d...")
  • 00:56, 7 November 20240202411070015 (hist | edit) ‎[1,476 bytes]Jold24 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=UK ladybird survey |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=Surveying and monitoring for ladybirds including invasive harlequin ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis) |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Record ladybirds}}{{aim parameter|Increase knowledge of ladybirds}} |keyword_parameter={{keyword parameter|insect}}{{keyword parameter|biodiversity}} |state_parameter=prospective |start_date_parameter=2000-01-01 |location_parameter=UK |location_link=No...")
  • 00:04, 7 November 20240202411062317 (hist | edit) ‎[2,187 bytes]Jold24 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=A Hop of Hope |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=A partnership project led by Citizen Zoo and involving the Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants and Natural England returned the large marsh grasshopper to several wetlands across East Anglia as part of a rewilding project. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Increasing biodiversity in East Anglia wetlands, specifically the large marsh grasshopper}} |keyw...")
  • 00:23, 2 November 20240202411012324 (hist | edit) ‎[4,347 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Bee hotels to boost Australian bees after the bushfires |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=The Bee Hotels to Boost Australian Bees After the Bushfires project aims to support the recovery of native bee populations affected by recent bushfires in Australia. Led by the Australian Native Bee Association, this initiative focuses on installing artificial nesting substrates, or "bee hotels," which provide safe habitats for solitary bees...")
  • 06:27, 1 November 20240202411010437 (hist | edit) ‎[2,572 bytes]JennLavers (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Community data on beach-washed seabirds in Australia |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Beach-washed birds have been documented through dedicated coastal monitoring programs in numerous countries around the world. At present, Australia does not have one of these programs, and as such, some of the only data on beached birds has been collected by community (citizen) scientists. Data uploaded to existing community-science portals, such as iNatural...")
  • 02:19, 1 November 20240202411010046 (hist | edit) ‎[4,368 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Guardian News & Media Limited article 'Strange but ultimately positive genetic discovery reveals up to 1,000 relatives linked to prolific sperm donor' |type_parameter=information/media |description_parameter=This Guardian News & Media Limited article is about Barbara Nunn and Jack Nunn discovering that they had up to 1000 relatives, when they found out Barbara's father Bertold Wiesner was one of the world’s earliest and most prolific sperm donors. This le...")
  • 03:28, 31 October 20240202410310256 (hist | edit) ‎[2,104 bytes]Jold24 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Monarch Migration |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Creates a two-way monarch butterfly migration map |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Map migration path of monarch butterflies}} |keyword_parameter={{keyword parameter|butterfly}}{{keyword parameter|migration}}{{keyword parameter|North America}} |state_parameter=ongoing |start_date_parameter=2000-05-01 |location_parameter=North America |location_link=No |URL_parameter= |au...")
  • 00:24, 30 October 20240202410300001 (hist | edit) ‎[4,446 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Feedback on the ‘Draft Draft Principles for Open Science Monitoring' from the members of the Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=This report describes the co-creation of the feedback on the ‘Draft Draft Principles for Open Science Monitoring' from the members of the Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|provide input, feedback and comment o...")
  • 00:04, 30 October 20240202410292351 (hist | edit) ‎[3,008 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=The Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice is dedicated to stimulating exchange and cooperation between practitioners from the fields of Citizen Science (CS) and Open Science (OS). The aim is to increase, enrich and consolidate understanding across these two movements, and, as particular occasions of cooperation arise, accompany and feed in...")
  • 00:04, 29 October 20240202410282330 (hist | edit) ‎[3,771 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=The Great Reef Census |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=The Great Reef Census is a collaborative initiative to survey and report on the health of the Great Barrier Reef, using AI, marine scientists and citizen scientists. Citizen collect and analyse photos helping reef managers direct practical coral protection efforts on the Great Barrier Reef. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|To capture large-scale reconnaissance data from across...")
  • 00:07, 25 October 20240202410242359 (hist | edit) ‎[1,537 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=The 'Science for All' podcast |type_parameter=education/learning |description_parameter=A podcast designed to bring important science to everyone, and help you get involved. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|Inform people about important science}}{{aim parameter|Support people to understand how to get involved.}} |state_parameter=completed |start_date_parameter=2021-01-06 |end_date_parameter=2021-03-31 |location_parameter=Australia |location_link=No |author_pa...")
  • 10:38, 22 October 20240202410220910 (hist | edit) ‎[4,174 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Burnett Koala Program |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=The Burnett Koala Program is a community-led, multi-stakeholder collaborative project focused on understanding and conserving koala populations in the Inland Burnett region of Australia. The Burnett Koala Program is establishing baseline data on koala population dynamics and health through non-invasive methods. Key aspects of the program include: DNA testing of koala s...")
  • 06:51, 22 October 20240202410220552 (hist | edit) ‎[3,873 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title= |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=WaterWatch is a citizen science program in Victoria, Australia, focused on monitoring and improving waterway health. The initiative engages community members, schools, and volunteers in collecting water quality data, conducting surveys, and making observations about local waterways. The program aims to increase public awareness about water quality issues, prom...")
  • 05:54, 22 October 20240202410220432 (hist | edit) ‎[4,234 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=WomSAT |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=WomSAT (Wombat Survey and Analysis Tools) is a citizen science project aimed at monitoring and protecting Australia's wombat populations. The initiative provides an online platform for community members to record wombat sightings and burrow locations across the country, helping to track wombat populations and identify areas where they may be under threat. The data collected helps inform...")
  • 05:02, 22 October 2024Reports (hist | edit) ‎[203 bytes]Samwilson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{#cargo_query: | tables = items | fields = CONCAT('<code>',_pageName,'</code> ',title)=item | format = ul | order by = title ASC }}")
  • 04:33, 22 October 20240202410220346 (hist | edit) ‎[3,389 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Seagrass-Watch |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=Seagrass-Watch is an Australia-based project that engages volunteers worldwide to monitor seagrass, an important indicator of coastal ecosystem health. At the same time the program aims to raise awareness on seagrass ecosystems. The project has a simple philosophy of involving those who are concerned, and involves collaboration/partnerships between scientists, community and data...")
  • 03:06, 22 October 20240202410220141 (hist | edit) ‎[4,297 bytes]Heather L McCulloch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Moth Tracker |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Moth Tracker is a citizen science initiative launched by Zoos Victoria aimed at monitoring the migration of Bogong Moths, which are a primary food source of the endangered Mountain Pygmy Possum. The Moth Tracker initiative allows members of the public to report sightings of Bogong Moths during their spring migration across Australia. Members of the public can take photos of Bogong Moths and upl...")
  • 11:56, 21 October 20240202410211142 (hist | edit) ‎[2,430 bytes]Nicola Grobler (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Aussie Bird Count |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=The Aussie Bird Count is an activity for all-ages that involves observing and counting the birds that live near you. 4,240,648 birds were counted in the last count 14-20 October 2024, with more than 104,000 checklists submitted. Four simple steps to take part: 1. 20 minutes. Just spend 20 minutes in your favourite outdoor space and tell us about the birds you see during that...")
  • 11:36, 21 October 20240202410211107 (hist | edit) ‎[6,850 bytes]Nicola Grobler (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=CoralWatch |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=CoralWatch, based at The University of Queensland, Australia, is a well-established citizen science program founded in 2002. CoralWatch integrates global coral health monitoring with education and public outreach creating reef awareness using simple and engaging tools. This provides people with accessible information about coral reefs and climate change, and hands-on experience coll...")
  • 12:40, 17 October 20240202410171213 (hist | edit) ‎[4,392 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Citizens for Refuge Ecology (C4RE) |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=Citizens for Refuge Ecology (C4RE) is a grant funded program provided by the Office of the Chief Scientist of Queensland that uses the power of citizen science to survey the ecology on Queensland’s private Nature Refuge network. Nature refuges account for most of Queensland's conservation network, but committed landholders have few resources for understandin...")
  • 11:23, 17 October 20240202410171055 (hist | edit) ‎[3,602 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=THE AUSTRALIAN MARINE DEBRIS INITIATIVE |type_parameter=other |description_parameter=Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australian registered charity focused on the health of our marine environment which coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI), an on-ground network of volunteers, communities, organisations and agencies around the country monitoring the impacts of marine debris along their stretch of coastline. Since the AMDI program starte...")
  • 10:39, 17 October 20240202410170606 (hist | edit) ‎[3,819 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Reef Check Australia |type_parameter=education/learning |description_parameter=Reef Check Australia is an innovative citizen-science focused charity dedicated to educating and empowering community volunteers to better understand, appreciate and protect oceans and marine environments. Reef Check Australia help people help reefs by providing the tools for the community to take positive action for our reefs. Through our network of volunteers, we engage in...")
  • 02:54, 16 October 20240202410160223 (hist | edit) ‎[3,668 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Noburn |type_parameter=management/monitoring |description_parameter=NOBURN is an exciting national citizen science project that is helping us learn more about what is driving bushfires so we can predict these factors. Around the country, NOBURN allows everyone who wants to, to record evidence of possible forest danger with nothing more than a smartphone. The NOBURN app allows us to gauge the risk of fire from citizen photo uploads and descriptions. Infor...")
  • 01:06, 16 October 20240202410160044 (hist | edit) ‎[4,405 bytes]Hhyldmo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Allen Coral Atlas |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=The Allen Coral Atlas, powered by Arizona State University, maps the world’s coral reefs and monitors their threats to provide actionable data and a shared understanding of coastal ecosystems. The Allen Coral Atlas is a game-changing coral conservation tool powered by Arizona State University and developed in partnership with coral reef scientists, universities, NGOs, and private entitie...")
  • 05:12, 15 October 20240202410150354 (hist | edit) ‎[2,267 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |title=Birdata |type_parameter=research |description_parameter=Birdata is the program that enables people right across the country to collect scientific data that help BirdLife understand and protect Australia’s birds. |aim_parameter={{aim parameter|enables people right across the country to collect scientific data}}{{aim parameter|achieve real conservation aims within BirdLife Australia,}} |keyword_parameter={{keyword parameter|citizen science}}{{keyword parame...")
  • 05:12, 8 October 20240202410080505 (hist | edit) ‎[2,113 bytes]Jacknunn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{item |type_parameter=other |description_parameter=The STARDIT Version One online form is a place where you can create STARDIT reports, hosted by Wikimedia Australia. STARDIT is an open access data-sharing system to standardise the way that information about initiatives is reported. STARDIT is free to use, and data can be submitted by anyone. STARDIT reports can include data about which tasks were done by different people, and can be updated at any point to inc...")