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This table has 88 rows altogether.

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Page title start date
0202011040528 (edit) WikiJournal of Medicine article 'What are Systematic Reviews?' 2017-01-02
0202109070341 (edit) Co-designing genomics research with donor-conceived siblings 2018-10-01
0202110130313 (edit) STARDIT Beta Version co-creation process 2019-01-02
0202111150357 (edit) A Pathway to Precision Medicine for Aboriginal Australians: A Study Protocol 2019-01-02
0202111150949 (edit) Cochrane Values Statement - A proposal for a co-creation protocol 2021-11-15
0202206300251 (edit) Co-Labs Australia 2020-06-11
0202207130721 (edit) The Shared Commitment to Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research 2021-09-14
0202207270316 (edit) MANT Centre for Public Health Research Tobacco control project 2022-07-27
0202208040307 (edit) Genomics research and involving people: PhD Thesis 2016-10-01
0202208091036 (edit) DNA Voices Brazil: Citizen Science & Medicine 6p Platform - Pilot-Study: Sporadic And Familial Thyroid Cancers 2023-01-02
0202208100258 (edit) The Core Outcome Measures for Improving Care (COM-IC) project 2021-01-21
0202212010629 (edit) Public Involvement in Global Genomics Research: A Scoping Review 2017-11-01
0202310120311 (edit) La Trobe University - Lived Experience Diabetes Reference Group 2023-11-01
0202311182122 (edit) Exploring the impact of caseload midwifery on preterm birth among vulnerable and disadvantaged women: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial 2020-06-01
0202311290631 (edit) Australian Federal Department of Health appraisal of ‘Genetic testing for diagnosis of inheritable cardiac rhythm disorders (1598) 2019-12-05
0202312040033 (edit) Involve Australia Guidelines for Community Involvement in Genomic Research development and pilot 2021-07-01
0202402070816 (edit) The People’s Review: a systematic review powered by the public - what we plan to do and how we plan to do it 2022-12-01
0202407050054 (edit) Patient Community Preferences for Genomic Testing in Rare Diseases in Australia 2023-01-01
0202407080037 (edit) The PROSPECT Delphi Study: Prioritising methodological research questions for scoping reviews, mapping reviews and evidence and gap maps for health research 2024-03-18
0202407220511 (edit) Improving Citizen Science to Benefit Society: A Discussion Paper 2024-07-22
0202410020544 (edit) Evidence Synthesis Taxonomy Initiative 2021-01-01
0202410080505 (edit) STARDIT Version One online form 2024-10-03
0202410100500 (edit) La Trobe University Public Involvement Strategy 2022-10-31
0202410150354 (edit) Birdata 2012-01-02
0202410160044 (edit) Allen Coral Atlas 2017-01-01
0202410160223 (edit) NOBURN 2021-06-30
0202410170606 (edit) Reef Check Australia 2001-01-01
0202410171055 (edit) The Australian Marine Debris Initiative 2004-01-01
0202410171213 (edit) Citizens for Refuge Ecology (C4RE) camps 2021-01-01
0202410211107 (edit) CoralWatch 2002-12-01
0202410211142 (edit) Aussie Bird Count 2014-10-12
0202410220141 (edit) Moth Tracker 2019-09-03
0202410220346 (edit) Seagrass-Watch 1998-03-28
0202410220432 (edit) WomSAT 2015-01-31
0202410220552 (edit) WaterWatch 1993-01-30
0202410220910 (edit) Burnett Koala Program 2021-01-31
0202410242359 (edit) The 'Science for All' podcast 2021-01-06
0202410282330 (edit) The Great Reef Census 2020-01-31
0202410292351 (edit) Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice 2020-01-02
0202410300001 (edit) Feedback on the ‘Draft Principles for Open Science Monitoring' from the members of the Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice 2024-10-29
0202410310256 (edit) Monarch Migration 2000-05-01
0202411010046 (edit) Guardian News & Media Limited article 'Strange but ultimately positive genetic discovery reveals up to 1,000 relatives linked to prolific sperm donor' 2023-01-11
0202411010437 (edit) Community data on beach-washed seabirds in Australia 2023-09-01
0202411012324 (edit) Bee hotels to boost Australian bees after the bushfires 2021-08-01
0202411062317 (edit) A Hop of Hope 2018-01-01
0202411070015 (edit) UK ladybird survey 2000-01-01
0202411070533 (edit) Australian Microplastic Assessment Project (AUSMAP) 2018-07-01
0202411110446 (edit) Cochrane Consumer Network Executive 1995-01-02
0202411110603 (edit) Medical Services Advisory Committee - Evaluation Sub-committee (ESC) 1998-01-01
0202411122257 (edit) PrEventing Progression of atrial fibrillation (AF) in Indigenous People (The Pepp Study) 2024-06-07
0202411140500 (edit) First Nations Peoples’ perceptions, knowledge and beliefs regarding stillbirth prevention and bereavement practices: A mixed methods systematic review 2024-01-01
0202411210012 (edit) Public “Campfires and Science” and 'Science for All' events from 2017-2021 2017-02-08
0202411221152 (edit) WikiCon Australia 2024 2024-11-22
0202411252115 (edit) Liverpool Dementia and Ageing Research Forum 2019-09-01
0202411260030 (edit) Test 2024-11-26
0202411270359 (edit) Open science monitoring initiative (OSMI) 2023-12-02
0202412110147 (edit) Participatory and Inclusive Autism Research Practice Guides 2021-01-01
0202412120446 (edit) Mozzie Monitors 2018-10-19
0202412120556 (edit) Galaxy Zoo 2007-01-01
0202501300619 (edit) Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities 2015-01-01
0202502222026 (edit) Sweaty and Stressed 2021-01-01
Australian Waterlife: Document on Freshwater Microfauna 2021 (edit) 2021-01-16
Citizen scientists track a charismatic carnivore: Mapping the spread and impact of the South African Mantis (Miomantidae: Miomantis caffra) in Australia (edit) 2021-10-05
Climate Change Impacts on Natural Resource Management Work: Opportunities for Resilient and Adaptive Practice (edit) 2024-01-15
Employing rational novel agent combination therapy to improve transplant cure rates for relapsed/refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma (edit) 2021-01-01
Example (edit) 2021-07-29
Exploring the impact of midwife-led group antenatal care on caesarean section rates and infant health: a multi-site randomised controlled trial (edit) 2021-07-01
Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future: Traumaintegrated perinatal care to improve health outcomes for Indigenous parents and infants in a rural setting (edit) 2018-01-01
I-124 PET Directed Redifferentiation Therapy for Radioiodine Refractory Thyroid Cancer: the I-FIRST Study (edit) 2021-01-01
Interventional study - Making Football Safer for Women: Implementing an Injury Prevention Program (edit) 2021-04-14
Involving people in co-developing and evaluating culturally-appropriate resources to improve access to first-line care for knee osteoarthritis (edit) 2023-06-14
Reporting PPI activities with children and young people in the design and conduct of NIHR funded paediatric research: A framework analysis (edit) 2022-01-31
Repurposing valproate for the treatment of colorectal cancer (edit) 2021-01-01
Restoring the Balance (RtB) - Formation of a Lived Experience Advisory Group for Adults with Eating Disorders and Higher Weight (edit) 2023-11-08
Rural Health Consumer Panel - Australia (edit) 2022-05-02
Science for All in Brimbank (2019-2022) (edit) 2019-07-01
STARDIT/Developing a Stakeholder Participatory and Inclusive Research Framework for the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) (edit) 2022-10-14
STARDIT/Involve Australia Prospective Report 2021-2023 (edit) 2021-07-26
STARDIT/Involving ASPREE-XT participants in co-design of a future multi-generational cohort study (edit) 2017-08-17
Test (edit) test item 2021-01-07
Test3 (edit) 2021-05-13
Test4 (edit) 2021-07-28
The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES): The global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services (edit) 2016-03-11
University of Liverpool - Antibiotic Resistance Project (edit) 2019-01-02
Wellbeing, gender diversity & speech pathology (edit) 2022-11-01
WikiJournal Preprints/Perspectives on the social license of the forest products industry from the rural Michigan, United States (edit) 2020-02-04
Wild DNA (edit) 2018-03-01
WOW2022 (edit) 2022-11-17